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  • Right to Work = No Rights AT Work
    Posted On: Jan 09, 2017
    Right to Work = No Rights at Work

    The Teamsters Union has been fighting for workers rights for over 110 years by standing up for working men and women in the workplace and protecting them from callous and cruel employers. Whether it is negotiating a raise, better healthcare, securing a members retirement, or defending a Teamster from managements harassment, the Teamsters Union is always there fighting for its members and their families. Today, Teamsters and their families are under attack in state legislatures across the country by a cruel enemy seeking to destroy the American way of life for nearly 65 years. This enemy has been working to destroy the middle class and line the pockets of the rich and powerful with the spoils of battle, our hard earned cash. This War on Workers is funded by the usual suspects of economic destruction: the Koch Brothers, Wall Street banks, Fortune 500 CEOs, ALEC, and the Wal-Mart heirs. These people are so heartless they would justify increasing record profits at the expense of Americas middle class. Their weapon of middle class destruction is a legislative trick called Right-to-Work (for Less), which would eliminate a Teamster members rights in the workplace.

    Right-to-Work (for Less) is a controversial gimmick designed to destroy unions and workers voices on the job by tearing apart Teamster contracts already negotiated between employers and employees that guarantee representation of all employees at a workplace. Right-wing legislators and their corporate backers try and sell Right-to-Work (for Less) as a law that will create jobs, but the truth is far from it. Right-to-Work (for Less) lowers the average wages earned by employees by over $5,500 a year, or $458 less every month from your paycheck. This means less money for you and your family to spend and fewer jobs created in Right-to-Work (for Less) states. This divisive measure doesnt create jobs, but it will rob you and your family of a prosperous future. Right-to-Work (for Less) weakens unions and their members enough to threaten healthcare benefits and employers retirement plans in our contracts. Right-to-Work (for Less) sacrifices your health and retirement for pure profits, while all workers are left behind. Teamsters and other union members are not the only ones hurt by Right-to-Work (for Less); local communities are devastated by the long term effects.

    Household income in Right-to-Work (for Less) states is more than $6,000 less a year, which can make the difference between being above or below the poverty line in many states. Right-to-Work (for Less) may be horrible for Teamster members, but it also destroys the communities all of us live in. Schools in Right-to-Work (for Less) states spend $2,600 less per student, hindering our childrens future and ability to succeed. When our children graduate, they have even less opportunity in Right-to-Work (for Less) states where low wage jobs account for a higher share of available jobs, hurting families for generations to come. Deaths on the job are over 50% more likely in states with Right-to-Work (for Less) laws due to less oversight by unions and dangerously-less regulation pushed by corporations bent on increasing profits at the expense of workers safety. Maybe most troubling of all is that infants die at rates 16% higher in Right-to-Work (for Less) states due to inadequate healthcare. Right to Work (for Less) doesnt just hurt our wallets; it puts peoples lives in jeopardy. Only by standing together can we stop this divisive measure from destroying the middle class. If we dont do it for ourselves, we must do it for our families. If we don't, by the time our children are adults, they won't have any rights at work.

  • Teamsters Local 997

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